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[ Intro ] [ Obituary ] [ Pepe ] [ Pepe Printing Press ] [ Pepe and Meme ] [ Pepe by Jamie Armington ]

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Pepe said weird stuff....

"The first baby takes anywhere up to nine months."

"I invested money in American Toilet Paper,
but it hit a new bottom and I was wiped out."

"I check the obituaries each morning to see if I have to go to work."

"Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice.
Pull down your britches and slide on the ice."

"Wanna hear a dirty joke?
Two white horses fell in mud."

"Hold your tongue and say:
'Molasses on the table'."

"I like bananas because they have no bones."

"You can call me Fred and you can call me Red.
You can call me Ed and you can call me D.
But please don't call me late to dinner!"

"Hold your tongue and say:
'Two horses went up the hill and parted'."

Pepe Pepe Printing Press Pepe and Meme

by: Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: January 27, 2010 8:52 PM
© 2010 - 1975 Keith A. Pray.
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