Random Bits
Have a seat, relax. Make yourself at home.
There's some random bits to your right
so help yourself.
Okay, lets get straight to the point.
No-Place isn't exactly what this web site is about.
In fact most people aren't really supposed to be in No-Place,
and most don't want to be.
But you're welcome to bookmark this spot and drop by to
relax any time.
Really, I like you.
So you probably want to be hitting that browser's "Back"
button about now,
but before you do I think I owe you an explanation.
You see, one of the things that I have to work on is,
in fact, this web site.
And you just hit a link that's not fully done yet.
That's the basic reason you're reading this.
It is also possible that you stumbled across a mirror of this site
that didn't have enough room for everything. In that case, I
suggest you visit
Keith @ Kapowee,
the official home of this site... that is, unless you're
already there. I might be moving things around too. If you're
really having trouble finding something just ask.
Check back here for actual moving random bits.
I know, you're saying that is useless to facilitate actual
random bit generation in the first place, never mind animating them on this
No-Place page...
but you'll sing a different tune
the next time you need a couple of them... oh yeah baby!